Marlowe and Shakespeare programme






09.30: Registration: Theatre Foyer

10.00: Lecture: The Auditorium:

Welcome: Robert O’Dowd (Rose Theatre Kingston)

Frank Whately (Kingston University): Edward Alleyn and the Rose

Chair: Richard Wilson (Kingston University)

11.00: Coffee interval: Rose Cafe

11.30: Panels on the Rose playhouse and iterary influence

Panel 1: The Auditorium

Harvey Sheldon (Rose Trust and Birkbeck):
The Rose discovered: Bankside’s first playhouse

Geoffrey Marsh (Victoria and Albert Museum):
Shakespeare in St Helen’s: 1593 -/or 1598

Nicholas Helm (Helm Architecture):
The Rose Revealed: A new role on today’s Bankside

Elspeth Graham (Liverpool John Moores University):
Northern Rose: Strange’s Men at Knowsley

Chair: Paul Menzer (Mary Baldwin University and Blackfriars Theatre, Staunton)

Panel 2: The Gallery

John Roe (York University):
Venus in the Ovidian poems of Marlowe and Shakespeare

Paul Brown (De Montfort University):
Marlowe, Shakespeare’s Tutor on the Henry VI plays

Giorgia de Santis (University of Rome Tor Vergata):
The Shadow of Faustus in The Tempest

Chair: Daniela Guardamagna (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

13.00: Lunch interval

14.00: Lecture: The Auditorium

Charles Nicholl (Sussex University): Marlowe and Shakespeare in Cheapside: Legal records, topographical traces

Chair: Robert Sawyer (East Tennessee State University)

15.00: Panels on the Rose repertoire and performance practice    

Panel 3: The Gallery

Warren Chernaik (King’s College, London):
Theatrical companies and their plays, 1586-1594

Chloe Preedy (Exeter University):
The Smoke of Battle: From Tamburlaine to Henry V

Chris Fitter (Rutgers University):
Art thou a King? Degrounding monarchy in The Massacre at Paris and Richard III

Chair: Stuart Hampton-Reeves (Central Lancashire University) 

Panel 4: The David Jacobs Room

Alison Findlay (Lancaster University):
Come gentle Ganymede and play with me: Boy actors in Marlowe and Shakespeare

Neslihan Ekmekcioglu (Çankaya University):
Gender Roles in Dido and Antony and Cleopatra

Adrian Blamires (Reading University):
‘Green World’ Staging: Shakespeare, Munday and Porter

Chair: Edward Paleit (City University)

16.30: Tea interval: Rose Cafe

17.15: Lecture: The Studio

Jean Howard (Columbia University): Playing History at the Rose

Chair: Alison Findlay (Lancaster University)

18.30: Conference drinks reception: David Jacobs Room


9.30: Registration: Theatre Foyer

10.00: Lecture: The Studio

Gary Taylor (Florida State University):
Authorial Frames & Canonical Reigns: Henry VI & Not-Shakespeare

Chair: Laurie Maguire (Oxford University)

11.00: Coffee interval: Rose Cafe

11.30: Panels on co-authorship and orientalism

Panel 5: The Studio

Darren Freebury-Jones (Cardiff University):
Marlowe and Microattribution: Kyd’s hand in 1Henry VI

Marina Tarlinskaja (University of Washington):
Versification analysis for attribution: Shakespeare and Author X in Arden of Faversham

Ros Barber (Goldsmiths):
Call thy wits together: Marlowe and Co-authorship of Henry VI

Chair: Roy Eriksen (Agder University)

Panel 6: The Gallery

Matthew Dimmock (Sussex University):
Marlowe, Shakespeare and the Turk Play

Ladan Niayesh (University of Paris 7):
Revisiting Tamburlaine’s Weak Sons: Morocco and Aragon

B.J. Sokol (Goldsmiths):
The Jew of Malta and The Merchant of Venice: Temperament, Region and Religion

Chair: Matthew Birchwood (Kingston University)

13.00: Lunch interval

14.00: Lecture: The Studio

Brian Vickers (School of Advanced Study):
The Shakespearean Unity of Henry VI, Parts 2 and 3

Chair: Paul Menzer (Mary Baldwin University)

15.00   Panels on authorship and contemporary fictions

Panel 7: The Gallery

John Nance (Florida State University):
Marlowe and Shrew Taming

Roy Eriksen (Agder University):
Stylometrics and Authorship in The Taming of a Shrew

Gabriel Egan (De Montfort University):
Telling Shakespeare and Marlowe apart by function-word clustering

Chair: Patricia Phillippy (Kingston University)

Panel 8: The Studio

Lisa Hopkins (Sheffield Hallam University):
Debauchery in Deptford: Marlowe in modern fiction

Richard O’Brien (University of Birmingham):
How Many Deaths d’you want? Marlowe in film and fiction

Thea Buckley (Shakespeare Institute):
Christopher Marlowe and The Armor of Light: Fictional confrontations
and Marlovian Revivification

Chair: Paul Edmondson (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust)

16.30: Tea interval: Rose Cafe

17.00: Panels on co-authorship and performing Marlowe and Shakespeare

Panel 9: The Gallery

Rory Loughnane (Kent University):
Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Idea of Early Authorship

Stephen Longstaffe (Cumbria University):
May I entreat thee to discourse at large: Dido as radio play

Marcus Dahl (Institute of English Studies):
Thomas the Doubter’s Guide to Marlowe: a brief evaluation of quantitative analyses
of Marlowe’s extended canon

Chair: John Gillies (Essex University)

Panel 10: The Studio

Andrew Dawson (Marlowe Theatre), Ricky Dukes (Lazarus Theatre), Kelly Hunter (Flute Theatre), Conrad Nelson (Northern Broadsides), Ken Pickering (Kent University), Ildiko Solti (Kingston University), Kimberley Sykes (RSC), Stephen Unwin (ex-Rose Theatre)

Chair: Frank Whately (Kingston University)

18.30: Round-Table Discussion on Marlowe and Shakespeare: The Studio

Gabriel Egan, Lois Potter, Gary Taylor, Brian Vickers and Stanley Wells

Chair: Richard Wilson (Kingston University)

19.30: Marlowe Society drinks reception: The Circle Foyer

20.00: 2017 Marlowe Society Lecture: The Studio

Robert Sawyer (East Tennessee State University):
Critical Reckonings: Marlowe and Shakespeare

Chair: Ken Pickering (Chairman, Marlowe Society)

About kingstonshakespeareseminar

Kingston Shakespeare is the home of KiSS, and its offshoot KiSSiT. Both explore the world by thinking through Shakespeare.
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